What is Hydro?

Hydro is non-invasive and can be personalised to meet your skin needs. Achieve healthy, glowing skin in as little as three treatments.

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So, what is Hydro? The treatment exfoliates, purifies, hydrates and rejuvenates the skin, using a blend of natural AHA’s, BHA’s and powerful serums. The non invasive treatment is ideal if you want your skin to feel instantly smoother and fresher. Plus, there is the added benefit of enhanced cell turnover and increased collagen and elastin production post treatment.

The peel removes the top layer of your skin. So, you can benefit from a healthy and glow post treatment. Your SkinBase therapist targets and infuses powerful ingredients into your skin for transformational results. Regular treatments going forward will ensure continued improvement for your skin concerns, such as acne, pigmentation and fine lines and wrinkles.

What Is Hydro Answered

Stop asking yourself “what is Hydro” and find your nearest SkinBase Therapist to get started on cleansing, purifying, hydrating, exfoliating and revitalising your skin.

Are you a skin professional? Become a SkinBase Therapist today with SkinBase Microdermabrasion and then you can start your Hydro journey.

SkinBase Hydro

SkinBase Hydro uses a multi-step process of a cleanse, peel and serum during the treatment.

The peel exfoliates the skin, removing any dead skin cells and debris. The targeted serum is then infused into the skin, to combat your specific skin concerns.

Applied using a vacuum action, the ingredients are delivered more effectively into the skin, as the vacuum helps to enhance absorption and penetration. Additionally, the vacuum action stimulates blood flow and lymphatic drainage, promoting detoxification and improving circulation.

Once the serum has absorbed, your SkinBase Therapist will follow up with the SkinBase Essentials skincare range to lock the fantastic ingredients into your skin, and keep it protected post-treatment.


How Does Hydro Work?

During a Hydro treatment, a multi-step process of a cleanse, a peel and serum is used. Applied using a vacuum action, these ingredients are delivered more effectively into the skin, as the vacuum helps to enhance absorption and penetration. Additionally, the vacuum action stimulates blood flow and lymphatic drainage, promoting detoxification and improving circulation. The peel exfoliates the skin, removing any dead skin cells and debris. The targeted serum is then infused into the skin, to combat your specific skin concerns. Once the serum has absorbed, your SkinBase Therapist will follow up with the SkinBase Essentials skincare range to lock the fantastic ingredients into your skin, and keep it protected post-treatment.

What Can Hydro Treat?

The SkinBase Hydro is beneficial for a range of skin concerns, such as dull skin, uneven skin tone, hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles and acne and congestion. Find your nearest SkinBase therapist to get started.

How Many Hydro Treatments Do I Need?

If you have specific skin concerns, we recommend that you have a course of Hydro treatments to maximise your results. Generally, a course of 3-6 treatments will help you to achieve the healthy skin you desire. After your course, you can go on to have monthly maintenance sessions to maintain your results. However, the exact number of treatments required is dependent on your specific concerns and goals. If you have very problematic skin, you may require more than 6 sessions before moving onto a maintenance plan. If you only require a boost before a big event, you could have a single session.

What Are The Benefits of Hydro?

The Hydro treatment has a number of benefits. The use of powerful active ingredients allow you to see and feel a difference in your skin immediately. The Hydro treatment can be used across the face and the body, so you can treat skin concerns wherever they occur. Find out more about the benefits of Hydro here.

Are There Any Downsides to Hydro?

After a correctly performed procedure by a fully qualified therapist will result in nothing more than occasional mild redness. Hydro is non-surgical and non-invasive, so there are no risks associated with the treatment. Any redness will subside within 24 hours.

Should I Have SkinBase Microdermabrasion or SkinBase Hydro?

Microdermabrasion provides intensive exfoliation using a vigorous stream of crystals. SkinBase Hydro provides a gentle exfoliation and focuses on hydration and overall skin health through the infusion of actives and botanicals. Both treatments effectively rejuvenate the ski. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on your specific skincare goals and preferences, and both treatments can be integrated into a comprehensive skincare regimen to achieve optimal results.

SkinBase Hydro Coming Soon